First and foremost, thank you to everyone for their ongoing support of TARC and I’d like to encourage our colleagues and peers in the industry to consider, is now not the time to become more involved in TARC if you aren’t already doing so…?
TARC represents the roofing industry statewide, but the largest hindrance to fulfilling that mission is by not fully representing all voices of this industry.
As I mentioned at the Summer Convention the past three years, have presented three generations worth of challenges: pandemics, material supply shortages, and recessions- and yet here we are moving forward! I’m incredibly excited at the opportunity to serve TARC’s mission for the upcoming year and looking forward to this organization, and we as members, to come out stronger. I want to thank Austin Thomas for leading our organization and for his dedication to TARC this past year. I look forward to continuing working with Austin as he serves the board as Past President.
SUCCESS! If you attended or have spoken to one of the 80+ individuals in attendance at this year’s annual convention, then you already are aware of the incredible speakers and events that took place at Gulf Shores in June. A thank you to all our sponsors who were a large part in this success.
We have a lot planned for the next year to capitalize on the positive momentum and benefit TARC members. Committees are busy working to make benefits of membership greater. A strategic planning committee will be reviewing goals, missions, and benefits of TARC and presenting to the board for review to ensure the organizations goals are current and aligned with the needs of the industry. Educational opportunities/topics for the Mid-Winter Meeting are currently being explored and we encourage your input. Ideas such as federal wage rate determination/information, technology/software related to roofing industry, and updates in safety equipment innovation are just a sampling of the input already given.
We also continue to explore opportunities to promote the roofing industry to those looking at entering the trades. All continue to have issues finding good employees and it seems there has been a disconnect in recruiting the next generation. As members know the roofing industry is an excellent opportunity to make a living – TARC must continue to work and effectively communicate the message that this industry is career oriented.
Our Fall Sporting Clays scholarship event is fast approaching and set for Thursday, October, 12, 2023 at Iron Mountain in Kodak, TN. Early sign ups are encouraged as limited spots will be available and high participation is anticipated. All funds raised from this event will go towards the TARC Scholarship Fund. If you are on the fence about attending this event, a word of advice - GO! Numerous station/event sponsors, raffles, lunch, great networking, an incredible venue, and conveniently located- this event is an incredible opportunity for members and non-members of all skill sets to attend.
We’re looking forward to a strong year and excited to getting to work alongside our members for the benefit of this industry and organization.
PS if you aren’t already doing so, please follow TARC on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for updates and share posts with the organization using #tarcroof
Ashley Horner
TARC President